Prof. Dr. Emine Öztürk
Doğum Yeri/Tarihi :ZARA–SİVAS / 1966
Telefon : 0346 219 10 10 / 1976
Faks : 0346 219 11 86
E–posta :
Akademik Unvanları
1–) ARŞ. GÖR. (C.Ü. FEN–ED. FAK. FİZİK BÖLÜMÜ 1990–2001)
2–) YRD. DOÇ. DR. (C.Ü. FEN–ED. FAK. FİZİK BÖLÜMÜ 2001–2005)
3–) DOÇ. DR. (C.Ü. FEN–ED. FAK. FİZİK BÖLÜMÜ 22 Nisan 2005)
4–) PROF. DR. ( C.Ü. FEN FAK. FİZİK BÖLÜMÜ 8 Ekim 2010–…)
İdari Görevler
A. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde SCI Expanded Kapsamında Yayınlanan Makaleler
A1 E. Ozturk, Y. Ergun, H. Sari and I. Sokmen, “Electronic subband of single Si delta–doped GaAs structures”, Superlattices and Microstructures, 28, 35, (2000).
A2 E. Ozturk, Y. Ergun, H. Sari and I. Sokmen, “Electronic properties of Si delta–doped GaAs under an applied electric field”, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 16, 421,(2001).
A3 E. Ozturk, Y. Ergun, H. Sari and I. Sokmen, “The self–consistent calculation of Si delta–doped GaAs structures”, Applied Physics A–Materials Science&Processing, 73, 749, (2001).
A4 E. Ozturk, Y. Ergun, H. Sari and I. Sokmen, “Si delta–doped GaAs structure with different dopant distribution models”, Journal of Applied Physics, 91, 2118,(2002)
A5 E. Ozturk, H. Sari, Y. Ergun and I. Sokmen, “Electronic properties of two coupled Si delta–doped GaAs structures” European Physics Journal–Applied Physics, 21, 91, (2003).
A6 E. Ozturk, Y. Ergun, H. Sari and I. Sokmen, “Influence of temperature on the electronic properties of Si delta–doped GaAs structures” European Physics Journal–Applied Physics, 21, 97,( 2003).
A7 E. Ozturk, H. Sari, Y. Ergun and I. Sokmen, “The effect of the donor distribution on the electronic structure of two coupled Si delta–doped layers in GaAs” Physica B, 334, 1, (2003).
A8 E. Ozturk, Y. Ergun, H. Sari and I. Sokmen, “Electronic structure of two coupled Si delta–doped GaAs as dependent on the donor thickness” Applied Physics A–Materials Science&Processing, 77, 427, (2003).
A9 E. Ozturk, Y. Ergun, H. Sari and I. Sokmen, “Influence of an applied electric field on the electronic properties of Si delta–doped GaAs”, European Physics Journal–Applied Physics, 24, 189, (2003).
A10 E. Ozturk and I. Sokmen, “Intersubband transitions for single, double and triple Si delta–doped GaAs layers” Journal of Physics D–Applied Physics, 36, 2457, (2003).
A11 E. Ozturk and I. Sokmen, “The electric field effects on intersubband optical absorption of Si delta–doped GaAs layer” Solid State Communications, 126, 605, (2003).
A12 E. Ozturk and I. Sokmen, “Intersubband optical absorption in Si delta–doped GaAs for the donor distribution and thickness as dependent on the applied electric field” European Physics Journal–Applied Physics, 25, 3, (2004).
A13 E. Ozturk and I. Sokmen, “Intersubband transitions of Si delta–doped GaAs layer different donor distribution models” Chinese Physics Letters, 21, 930,( 2004).
A14 E. Ozturk and I. Sokmen, “Intersubband optical absorption of double Si –doped GaAs layers” Superlattices and Microstructures, 35, 95, (2004).
A15 E. Ozturk, H. Sari and I. Sokmen, “Intersubband optical absorption in quantum wells under applied electric field and intense laser field” Surface Review and Letters, 11, 297,(2004).
A16 E. Ozturk, H. Sari and I. Sokmen, “The dependence of the intersubband transition in square and graded QWs on intense laser fields” Solid State Communications, 132, 497(2004)
A17 E. Ozturk, H. Sari, Y. Ergun and I. Sokmen, “The triple Si delta–doped GaAs structure” Applied Physics A–Materials Science&Processing, 80, 167, (2005).
A18 F. Ungan, E. Ozturk, Y. Ergun and I. Sokmen, “Subband structure and band bending in symmetric
modulation–doped double quantum wells”European Physics Journal–Applied Physics,29, 27,(2005).
A19 E. Ozturk, H. Sari and I. Sokmen, “Intersubband transitions in quantum wells under intense laser field” Applied Physics A–Materials Science&Processing, 80, 541, (2005)
A20 E. Ozturk, H. Sari and I. Sokmen, “Electric field and intense laser field effects on the intersubband optical absorption in a graded quantum well” Journal of Physics D–Applied Physics, 38, 935(2005)
A21 E. Ozturk, H. Sari and I. Sokmen,”Intersubband optical absorption in double quantum well under intense laser field” European Physics Journal–Applied Physics 35,1, (2006).
A22 E. Ozturk and I. Sokmen, “Intersubband transitions in an asymmetric double quantum well” Superlattices and Microstructures, 41, 36, (2007)
A23 F. Ungan, E. Ozturk, Y. Ergun and I. Sokmen, “The variation of electronic properties with the doping concentration of modulation–doped AlxGa1−xAs–GaAs double quantum wells” Superlattices and Microstructures, 41, 22, (2007)
A24 E. Ozturk and I. Sokmen, “ Electronic properties of p–type delta–doped GaAs structure under electric field” Chin. Phys. Lett., 25, ( 4), 1415 (2008)
A25 E. Ozturk, M. K. Bahar, and I. Sokmen, “Subband structure of p–type delta–doped GaAs as dependent on the acceptor concentration and the layer thickness” European Physics Journal–Appl. Physics, 41, 195 (2008)
A26 E. Ozturk and I. Sokmen, “Effect of the intense laser field on the valance band for Ga1–xAlxAs/GaAs heterostructure” Superlattices and Microstructures, 45,(1),16 (2009)
A27 E. Ozturk, “Optical intersubband transitions in double Si delta–doped GaAs under applied magnetic field” Superlattices and Microstructures 46, 752 (2009)
A28 E. Ozturk, Corrigendum to “Optical intersubband transitions in double Si delta–doped GaAs under applied magnetic field” [Superlattices and Microstructures 46 (2009) 752–759] Superlattices and Microstructures 47, 567 (2010)
A29 E. Ozturk, “Nonlinear optical absorption in graded quantum wells modulated by electric field and intense laser field” The European Physical Journal B, 75, 197 (2010)
A30 E. Ozturk and I. Sokmen, “Intersubband optical absorption coefficients and refractive index changes in triple quantum well with different well shapes” European Physics Journal–Applied Physics, 51, 10303 (2010)
A31 E. Ozturk, “Effect of magnetic field on p–type delta–doped GaAs layer” Chin. Phys. Lett., 27, 77302 (2010)
A32 E. Ozturk and I. Sokmen, “Effect of magnetic field on the linear and nonlinear intersubband optical absorption coefficients and refractive index changes in square and graded quantum wells” Superlattices and Microstructures, 48, 312 (2010)
A33 E. Ozturk and I. Sokmen, “Intersubband transitions and refractive index changes in coupled double quantum well with different well shapes” Superlattices and Microstructures, 50 (4), 350 (2011)
A34 E. Ozturk and I. Sokmen,“The effects of hydrostatic pressure on the nonlinear intersubband transitions and refractive index changes of different QW shapes” Optics Communications, 285 (24), 5223 (2012)
A35 E. Ozturk and I. Sokmen,“Linear and nonlinear optical absorption in different graded quantum wells modulated by intense laser field” Superlattices and Microstructures,52, 1010 (2012)
A36 E. Ozturk and I. Sokmen,“ Nonlinear intersubband absorption and refractive index changes in square and graded quantum well modulated by temperature and Hydrostatic pressure” Journal of Luminescence, 134, 42 (2013)
A37 E. Ozturk and Y. Özdemir, “Linear and nonlinear intersubband optical absorption coefficient and refractive index change in n–type –doped GaAs structure” Optics Communications,294, 361(2013)
A38 E. Ozturk and I. Sokmen,“ Electric field effect on the nonlinear optical absorption in double
semi–graded quantum wells” Optics Communications 305, 228 (2013)
A39 E. Ozturk, “Effect of an intense laser field on the holes in graded quantum wells” Eur. Phys. J. Plus 128, 97 (2013)
A40 E. Ozturk and I. Sokmen, “Nonlinear intersubband transitions in a parabolic and an inverse parabolic quantum well under applied magnetic field” Journal of Luminescence, 145, 387 (2014)
A41 E. Ozturk, “Simultaneous effects of the intense laser field and the electric field on the nonlinear optical properties in GaAs/GaAlAs quantum well” Optics Communications, 332, 136 (2014)
A42 E. Ozturk and I. Sokmen, “Nonlinear intersubband transitions in square and graded quantum wells modulated by intense laser field” Chinese Physics Letters 31 (No:12) 127301 (2014)
A43 E. Ozturk and I. Sokmen. “Resonant peaks of the linear optical absorption and rectification coefficients in GaAs/GaAlAs quantum well: Combined effects of intense laser, electric and magnetic fields” International Journal of Modern Physics B 29 (No:5) 1550030 (2015)
A44 E. Ozturk, “Nonlinear intersubband absorption and refractive index change in n–type delta–doped GaAs for different donor distributions” Eur. Phys. J. Plus 130, 1 (2015)
A45 E. Ozturk, "Nonlinear intersubband transitions in different
shaped quantum wells under intense laser field" Superlattices and Microstructures 82, 303 (2015)
A46 E. Ozturk, "Linear and nonlinear optical absorption coefficients and refractive
index changes in double parabolic–square quantum well as dependent on intense laser field" Eur. Phys. J. Plus 130, 67 (2015)
B. Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler :
B1–) M. C. Arıkan, E. Ozturk, Y. Ergun, H. Sari, I. Sokmen, “In–plane photoconductive properties in Si delta–doped GaAs structure” V. International Workshop on Low Dimensional Semiconductors: Physics and Devices; Scattering Mechanism and Device Performance, Akdeniz Üniversitesi, ANTALYA, 1998
D. Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :
D1–) E. Ozturk, “The temperature dependence of the electronic structure of Si delta–doped GaAs” , Turk J Phys., 26, 465–471,( 2002).
E. Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitaplarında basılan bildiriler:
E1–) E. Öztürk, Y. Ergün, H. Sarı, İ. Sökmen, “Katkılı tabakalar arasındaki uzaklığa bağlı olarak çift Si delta–katkılı GaAs” 8. Yoğun Madde Fiziği Ankara Toplantısı: 9 Kasım 2001, Bilkent Üniversitesi, Ankara.
E2–) F. Ungan, E. Öztürk, Y. Ergün and İ. Sökmen, “N–katkılı çift simetrik Ga1–xAlxAs–GaAs kuantum kuyularının elektronik özellikleri üzerinde engel genişliğinin etkisi” 10. Yoğun Madde Fiziği Ankara Toplantısı 14 Kasım 2003, Hacettepe Üni., ANKARA.
F. Diğer yayınlar :
F1 Elektrik ve Manyetizma Laboratuvarı Deney Kılavuzu
(Fizik Bölümü Ders Notları)
F2 Elektronik Laboratuvarı Deney Kılavuzu (Fizik Bölümü Ders Notları)
1– M. Kemal BAHAR “p–tipi –katkılı GaAs yapıların elektronik özellikleri” (2007)
(C.Ü. Fen–Bilimleri Enstitüsü)
2– Erman KÖSE “ Farklı kuantum kuyularının elektrik alan altındaki davranışları” (2009).
(C.Ü. Fen–Bilimleri Enstitüsü)
3– Yasin ÖZDEMİR “N–tipi delta katkılı GaAs yapılarda lineer ve lineer olmayan geçişler”(2013)
(C.Ü. Fen–Bilimleri Enstitüsü)
Eylül 2014 tarihi itibariyle SCI kapsamına giren dergilerde yayımlanan makalelere, 250’nin üzerinde yurt dışı olmak üzere yaklaşık 400 atıf yapılmıştır.
Uluslararası SCI Expanded Kapsamındaki Dergilerde
1–) Applied Physics A–Materials Science& Processing (Mart 2003)
2–) Physica B (Mayıs 2005)
3–) Applied Surface Science (Temmuz 2005)
4–) Journal of Applied Physics (Ağustos 2005)
5–) Superlattices and Microstructures (Ocak 2006)
6–) Physica B (Haziran 2008)
7–) Superlattices and Microstructures (Mart 2009)
8–) Superlattices and Microstructures (Nisan 2009)
9–) Superlattices and Microstructures (Ağustos 2009)
10–) The European Physical Journal B (Eylül 2009)
Ulusal Kongre ve Dergilerde
1–) 17. Ulusal Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Kongresi 24–27 Haziran 2009
Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Sivas
1–) “Elektrik alanı altında çiftlenimli graded (tabakalı) GaAs/Ga1–x AlxAs kuantum kuyularında
araband yapısı ve eksitonik bağlanma” CUBAP, F–040, 1996–1998
2–) “Delta–katkılı GaAs yapıların altband hesaplarının öz–uyumlu yapılması” CUBAP, F–069, 1998–2001
3–) “Delta–katkılı GaAs yapılarda elektronik yapı”CUBAP, F–065, 1998–2000
4–) “Delta–katkılı GaAs yapısında altbandlar arasındaki optiksel geçişler”CUBAP, F–142, 2003–2005,
5–) “P–tipi delta–katkılı GaAs yapısına uygulanan magnetik alanın etkileri”, CUBAP,
F–261, 2009–2010
6–) “Delta katkılı GaAs yapıların altbandları arasındaki lineer olmayan geçişler”CUBAP, F–397, 2013–
1–) FİZ 8002 Elektromanyetik Teori ve Optik
2–) FİZ 5503 Matematiksel Fizik
1–) FİZ 4005 Katıhal Fiziği
2–) FİZ 3003 Elektronik
3–) FİZ 4006 Nükleer Fizik
4–) FİZ 4004 Elektromagnetik Teori
5–) FİZ 3005 Fizikte Matematik Yöntemler I
6–) FİZ 3006 Fizikte Matematik Yöntemler II
7–) FİZ 1109 Fizik I– (Mekanik I)
8–) FİZ 1110 Fizik II–( Elektrik ve Manyetizma I)
9–) Mekanik, Elektrik–Manyetizma, Elektronik ve Optik Laboratuvarları
Kullandığı Paket Programlar:MATHEMATICA
Fizik ve Mühendislikte Matematik Yöntemler (Çözümlü örneklerle),
Seçkin Yayıncılık (2011) ANKARA